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  • Writer's pictureharambeepress

Never Give Up

On my last day of a recent writers' conference I attended, I headed toward a set of stairs I'd climbed multiple times during the week. For the first time, I noticed a few small flowers in a scattering of dead leaves and twigs. How had they survived? These little flowers managed to escape being trampled by hundreds of feet.

As a writer, sometimes it's easy to feel like we're being trampled and events in our lives encourage us to give up. Not everyone who attends a writers' conference is encouraged when they leave, but the important thing is to never give up.

Your words are important; someone needs the words you write.

I know the white plants are hard to see in the image. I almost missed them, too, but I didn't. And I was blessed.

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Colleen Snyder
Colleen Snyder
Jun 07, 2021

I left my first conference less than encouraged. But as I walked out, I was stopped by a gentleman I did not know. He asked me a question, I answered. We talked. And then we prayed together. He shared with me his WIP...a collection of beautiful prayers. They touched my heart. I prayed for him, and he said I touched his heart. We both left the conference encouraged. If I got nothing else from the experience, I met a new brother in the Lord (it wasn't a Christian conference) we encouraged one another, and the Lord got the glory. We will never know what the Lord wants to do with our time. Like show you little white flowers that are…

Edwina Perkins
Edwina Perkins
Jun 07, 2021
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Thank you for sharing. I'm glad you never quit. :-)

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